
Friday, March 14, 2014


Thanks to the encouragement of the one and only, Holly Ehle, I have decided to start blogging about all of my fabulous, exciting, exhausting, and sometimes catastrophic experiences teaching middle school.

(If you don't follow Holly, start.  She is an incredible Kindergarten teacher, and her blog is full of resources for both KinderTeachers and bloggers. Check it out. Mrs. Ehle's Kindergarten Connections. ...she is also my sanity at school each day and I often wonder what I would do with out her.)

Teaching at a small private school where there is only one class per grade level, has it's perks.  For example, I am able to refer to myself as the BEST 6th grade teacher in the building, without feeling all that guilty.  ...but, I love to brainstorm, share ideas, and "steal" resources from teachers that teach similar content, and that doesn't often happen when you are the only 6th grade teacher in the building...

Get ready, I teach middle school math, literature, writing, and art.  I can't wait to start sharing some of my go-to-places for resources, as well as those things I create on my own. ...and I hope you are willing to share with me as well.


  1. LOVE! LOVE! LOVE your blog design! :) I'm so excited to follow you on your BLOGging journey. Blogging has changed my teaching life! So much fun ahead of you!

  2. Welcome to the blogging world! I also teach where there is only one 6th grade class. It's actually only 1/2 a class this year as I have a 5/6 split (13 - 6th graders and 12- 5th graders). I can't wait to see what types of math things you post!

    1. I LOVE teaching math!! I have a few songs that are regularly stuck in my students' heads! ...I'll start sharing soon!
